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Below is a list of convars used within qbx_core. The value shown in the example is the default value for each convar.


Enables or disables the qb-core bridge for compatibility with QBCore resources.

setr qbx:enableBridge "true"

Type: boolean


Enables or disables the built-in qbx_core queuing system.

set qbx:enableQueue "true"

Type: boolean


Sets entity lockdown mode for bucket 0. See SET_ROUTING_BUCKET_ENTITY_LOCKDOWN_MODE for more information.

set qbx:bucketLockdownMode "inactive"

Type: 'inactive' | 'relaxed' | 'strict'

Sets the Discord link for kick messages.


This convar is only used by the qb-core bridge, and the deprecated utils module.

set qbx:discordLink ""

Type: string


Sets the maximum number of jobs a player can have with the built-in multijob.

set qbx:max_jobs_per_player 1

Type: integer


Sets the maximum number of gangs a player can have with the built-in multigang.

set qbx:max_gangs_per_player 1

Type: integer


Controls if the /setjob command replaces or adds a job to a player.

set qbx:setjob_replaces "true"

Type: boolean


Controls if the /setgang command replaces or adds a gang to a player.

set qbx:setgang_replaces "true"

Type: boolean


Controls if the player_groups SQL table is automatically cleaned of invalid groups (jobs/gangs) on startup.

set qbx:cleanPlayerGroups "true"

Type: boolean


Enables or disables the ability of resources to override existing methods in player object.

set qbx:allowMethodOverrides "true"

Type: boolean


Enables or disables warning from resources overriding existing methods in player object.

set qbx:disableOverrideWarning "false"

Type: boolean


When enabled, player owned vehicles deleted by the server which have persistence enabled on them (either via having spawned using qbx.spawnVehicle or through exports.qbx_core:EnablePersistence), will be respawned with the same properties as when the vehicle was deleted. This is a fix to a FiveM bug which can result in vehicles randomly being deleted; ensuring that vehicles that players leave, will be there when they return.

setr qbx:enableVehiclePersistence "false"

Type: boolean


Enables or disabled the Qbox documentation console message.

set qbx:acknowledge "false"

Type: boolean


The message displayed to players in the chat after loading in.

set qbx:motd "<p style='padding: 1rem; background-color: rgb(30, 30, 30); border-radius: 1rem; text-align: center;'><span style='color: rgb(40, 200, 40);'>Welcome to Qbox!</span><br>Learn more at <span id='link' style='color: rgb(100, 100, 255);' onclick='window.invokeNative(\"openUrl\", \"\")'></span></p><style>span#link:hover { cursor: pointer; }</style>"