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Client Exports



See lib.notify for more details.

Text box popup which disappears after a given amount of time.

exports.qbx_core:Notify(text, notifyType, duration, subTitle, notifyPosition, notifyStyle, notifyIcon, notifyIconColor)
  • text: table | string
    • The text of the notification.
    • Can be a string, or a table containing:
      • text?: string
      • caption?: string
  • notifyType?: 'inform' | 'error' | 'success' | 'warning'
    • Default: 'inform'
  • duration?: integer
    • The duration in milliseconds for which the notification will remain on screen.
    • Default: 5000
  • subTitle?: string
    • Additional text under the title.
  • notifyPosition?: 'top' | 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'center-right' | 'center-left'
    • Default: top-right (changable in config)
  • notifyStyle?: table
  • notifyIcon?: string
    • Font Awesome 6 icon name.
  • notifyIconColor?: string
    • Custom color for notifyIcon.


Checks if the player's current Job/Gang or citizenid matches against a single group, array of group, or group/grade or list of citizenids. Does not check if player is on or off duty

  • filter: string or string[] or table<string, number>
    • A group/citizenid, array of groups/citizenids, or pairs of groups-grades required to pass the check.


  • success: boolean


Checks if the player's list of groups (Jobs/Gangs) or citizenid matches against a single group, array of group, or group/grade or list of citizenids. Does not check if player is on or off duty

  • filter: string or string[] or table<string, number>
    • A group/citizenid, array of groups/citizenids, or pairs of groups-grades required to pass the check.


  • success: boolean


Returns a combined table of all the groups the current player currently has.



  • groups: table<string, number>